Monday, July 29, 2013

Be careful who you smile at... :)

So this week.  nothing really to say, i will try and make next week more exciting ha but there was the biggest thunder storm the other night.  so loud and the lightening so bright i could not sleep. and that is saying something because i am DEAD tired every night.
Oh I wanted to thank you guys for making learn how to work.  We did a lot of service this week.  i even have blisters on my hands to prove it.  and it is a good thing i love cleaning! it really helps ha like even this morning idk what it is about English vacuums but they are awful, so it took me two hours to vacuum our flat this morning..... it only has 2 rooms. but i didn't mind. just sat there.  it is a nice break to do something mindless for a while considering normal missionary work is the exact opposite. 
Do they have earthquakes in England? are they big enough to feel? because Sister Chan and I swear we felt one the other day, but didn't know if we were just going crazy or not. 
Want to know the saddest thing? they don't know what smores are over here.  I have tried in like 3 different places and no one knows what i am talking about.  they don't even have graham crackers!! the poor english people.  no wonder they don't like to smile. 
I got Brad's wedding invitation this week!! CRAZY! they look so cute. it was weird because i got it after they were married.  thanks for sending it! (Thanks Regina!)  and also tell all the young women in the ward thank you so much for the letters. (Thank you Corisa & YW & Leaders!).  they made my day. it really did.  and also i was thinking that Jordan should be getting home like in 2 weeks!!!! i remember when addison and i went to the beach the day he got his call and when he opened it, Marc was making fun of me for not knowing where El Salvador was..... haha those 2 years went by so fast! i bet Janelle is so excited.  tell her hi for me and to tell jordan welcome home!!  (FYI)
 awkward/funny thing that happened this week.  we were sitting on a crowded bus and i smiled at this guy sitting a few seats away.  too far away to talk too but just being nice and friendly.  When we got up to leave at our bus stop he gave me this leaflet.  It was about Jesus Christ, had some scriptures and things( you know the kind people pass out to everyone) well i was startled because he didn't really look like one of those people that pass those things out. but i, trying to build up the friendship between the different churches, responded very excited and happily to him giving it to me.  I was like thank you so much this is great! and then had to walk off the bus.  i waved bye and then looked down to read the leaflet.  Only then did i realize that he wasn't passing out the leaflet but that he had written his phone number on it...... awkward.  i was way to happy and excited when he gave it to me. so funny. sister chan just died laughing at me haha i think you had to be there, but let me just tell you it was awkward and funny.  
So i remember when i thought that people up in Utah fake tanned a lot.  Not any where close to here in Essex.  Girls literally look like orange oompalumpas.  pretty oompalumpas, but still pretty dang orange. ha

The ward here is fabulous.  Small but so loving.  I hope i get to stay here another transfer.  I can't believe this one is already half way over.  guess what!! the mission president of the whole dang church is coming here in 2 weeks to speak to us.  cool huh. 
This week has consisted of lots of bus rides, some amazing lessons, and some discouraging times, but what makes it all great is knowing that this is the gospel of Jesus Christ and that I am part of something that is so much bigger than just me.  That this is where I am supposed to be at this point in my life.  That there are people here that i am supposed to meet and teach.  That we are all God's children and that He loves each and every one of us, and knows exactly what we are going through.  And He is waiting to help us if we just ask.  None of us can make it through life by ourselves.  and He does not expect us too.  Part of His plan is that we rely on Him and the tools he has given us like the atonement, scriptures, prayer to overcome the hard times.  And there will be hard times.  We are fooling ourselves if we think that there won't be, but the greatest reassurance we have is that nothing we face will ever be to much for us to handle.  As Presdient Hinckley said,Things will work out.  it isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is.  Put your trust in God and move forward with faith and confidence in the future.  The Lord will not forsake us if we put our trust in Him, pray to Him, and live worthy of His blessings.

He Lives: Testimonies of Jesus

I love you guys! I hope you are having a great summer.  Relax for me please. you are the best.  I know you don't have a choice and that you are stuck with me, but boy am I glad you are.  Love you guys! Rach      

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